My passion is to bring my work to life - in the last 5 years, I have found full-stack development to be the perfect tool to complete this job. What does this mean? I can write front-end and back-end code for your websites and bring them to life. I have large experience with Angular 2+, and React enterprise applications. On the back-end, using Node.js to interact with databases, APIs, proxies, and file-system interactions.

I personally also designed and wrote this website you are looking at - to display some of my other work.



ViewTube is an application created to manage YouTube playlists easily from your desktop. Watching youtube playlists right from your desktop, keep track of time-data, mark videos watched (auto), and resume partially watched videos.

For example, when you start watching a sequential playlist with episodes (ep. 1, 2, 3 …), and stop at episode 4, after watching six minutes, would you remember it? Do you rely on the YouTube history? Simply add your playlist to this application and start watching. When you finish the first video, the next video in the YouTube playlist is automatically loaded. Resume watching, and the last position in the last video is loaded automatically!

Code on GitHub

Weather App: Prototype

Created a prototype for a weather application, soon to be developed into a fully-fledged front-end application using React JS.

The prototype was created using Figma online


Using Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript, this is a clone of the popular game, Minesweeper, playable on the web. Features include variable grid sizes (small, medium, large, extreme), variable mines per play, animations (on/off), and score keeping. Compete with your friends!

Technologies Used: Vanilla JS, p5.js, HTML, CSS3

Code on GitHub

Operating System Simulation

This project accomplished a simulation of the Operating System - including CPU, Disk, RAM, Driver, Loader, Pager, and Schedulers. Disk was responsible for storing items, Short-Term and Long-Term schedulers were responsible for scheduling tasks, Pager was responsible for placing required pages of data into memory (RAM) from Disk, which are stored and tracked on the Page Table.

Provided a finite amount of tasks to finish, and limited memory, tasks have to be loaded based on a priority-queue, and placed into memory as needed.

Operating System Simulation

This project accomplished a simulation of the Operating System - including CPU, Disk, RAM, Driver, Loader, Pager, and Schedulers. Disk was responsible for storing items, Short-Term and Long-Term schedulers were responsible for scheduling tasks, Pager was responsible for placing required pages of data into memory (RAM) from Disk, which are stored and tracked on the Page Table.

Provided a finite amount of tasks to finish, and limited memory, tasks have to be loaded based on a priority-queue, and placed into memory as needed.

Connect 4

Classic Connect 4 game written in Vanilla JS, HTML, and CSS3 for animations and styling. Each player gets to enter their name for pseudo-points assigned to their name. Scores are stored for the user's session.

Code on GitHub